Sunday 15 June 2008

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's drummer leaves band

The drummer from Black Rebel Motorcycle Club has left the band for the second time in the group's history.

Nick Jago, who has allegedly suffered from drug problems in the past, posted a blog on the band's website stating he has departed.

He said: "Just had dinner with Rob and Pete and, well, I'm not in the band anymore. They are going into rehearsals tomorrow with Leah, she just finished touring with The Raveonettes and is super nice and cool. They presented it to me like they need a break, I took it as I am fired again and to be honest with you I respect their decision."

Jago added: "I don't make it easy for them, I hope to be able to play with them again in the future as a reunion as there is really no bad feeling other than we all wanna be happy and right now we are not. Maybe playing drums for BRMC all the time is not my calling and there is something else I'm supposed to do. We will see. I�m sorry to all the fans and know that the drums are in good hands with Leah."

His band mates, Peter Hayes and Robert Levon Been, also released a statement.

They said Jago's departure didn't mean he wouldn't return.

The statement said: "Peter and I would like to clarify a few things from our perspective. It's true, Nick wont be joining us for the upcoming European tour, but it's not true that he is fired. We just feel Nick needs time to sort out exactly what he wants right
now. His heart and all his energy and attention is on his own solo project and he needs to see that through."

The pair concluded: "We welcome his singing and songwriting in BRMC, but his focus, at least at the present time, is on doing his own thing and we wish him the best. He is our brother, our musical partner, and we love him dearly and look forward to playing with him again in the future."